Teenagers normally sleep less than the time recommended by health professional. Daily 8-9 hours of sleep is very essential for them. But due to hectic schedule, more time spending with friends or over Internet/TV, teens don’t get proper sleep most of the days. It is reported that 90 % of teenagers sleep less than 8 hours. Getting sleep less than the recommended time may lead them to problems with health and even academics.
Due to tiredness, teen often feel dizzy during school. The schedule of sleep all through the week days and weekends carry on as their daily routine and this is really a big issue to talk about and appropriate measures should be taken so that teens get proper sleep.
How parents of teens can act towards it:
* Parents should take
responsible and strict measures for this.
* Sleep deprivation can lead to behavior and attention problems in school, so parents should encourage a routine of when to get sleep; this is done by letting the teens realize that 10 pm is off time for all the activities, and lights will be turned off at this time.
* Watch if your teen is not spending time on internet etc in his room at that time and discourage them during this sleep-zone timing on doing the activities that let them awake.
* With this routine setup, in few days teens get used to it; teens are tired due to all the of the day activities and they’ll go to sleep within few minutes.